Relieving Hunger in the Columbia Valley
Since the pandemic, food bank use continues to rise. In 2023 we supported a 33% rise in hampers distributed. Nearly one-third of these recipients were children. In the first half of 2024 we have already seen a 37.5% increase in hampers distributed, indicating the critical nature of our work.
The Columbia Valley Food Bank provides needed support for individuals and families whose current needs are not being met by society.
While our ultimate goal is to go out of business because society no longer needs this service and ensure everyone’s right to food is realized. In the interim we will continue to marshal the donations provided to us for distributing healthy food and support in a responsible manner.
Food Baskets for Families
The Columbia Valley Food Bank has launched a new way for you to support our work, through our Food Baskets for Families Campaign!
Choose a household size and follow the links below to donate baskets for 1 to 8 people. Your donation covers the costs to purchase food items ranging from canned goods, meats, peanut butter, dry cereal and grain products, milk and eggs, as well fresh fruits and vegetables, and more.
News & Thank yous!
Loop The Lake, Support the Food Bank
Get out your running shoes and join Loop the Lake, this August 10th. We are so excited to be chosen as the recipient charity by Loop the Lake in 2024! Loop the Lake has
Summer Student – General Office Worker and Facility Support Assistant
The Summer Student – General Office Worker and Facility Support Assistant will be a dynamic role that will improve operations for our busy food bank.The candidate will receive weekly direction from the Executive Director on
Red Apple Thanksgiving Fundraiser fills food bank shelves!
Last Friday, we loaded up two vehicles full of food, thanks to the team at Red Apple and there annual Thanksgiving Fundraiser. The Columbia Valley Food Bank saw at 48% increase in August alone, compared
Continued Protection Measures
We are taking many internal precautions at the CVFB to avoid the spread of communicable diseases, including COVID-19. Those precautions include regular hand washing, frequent cleaning of high-touch areas and common areas, and use of gloves when appropriate.
We want to thank our volunteers and all those we serve, for their continued commitment to keeping each other healthy and safe. We request those visiting our facility adhere to protective measures such as frequent hand washing and mask wearing when deemed appropriate.
Attention Food Bank Donors
The Columbia Valley Food Bank does NOT solicit door to door. If you encounter someone at your door asking for cash or food donations on behalf of the CVFB, please report to your local non-emergency police line.